Meeting Schedule
Plenary (Intro by Vilhelm Bohr, University of Copenhagen, DK)
Chuan He
(University of Chicago, USA)
”Reexamine UV damage repair”
Susan Gasser
(Fondation ISREC, CH)
”Chromatin remodeling in DNA repair: too much, too little, just right”
Physiological consequences of endogenous DNA damage (Barbara van Loon, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO)
Keith Caldecott
(University of Sussex, UK)
Peter J. McKinnon
(St. Jude Children’s Hospital, USA)
Joann Sweasy
(University of Nebraska Medical Centre, USA)
Deborah Caswell
(Francis Crick Institute, UK)
Endogenous DNA damage in accelerated ageing (David M. Wilson III, Hasselt University, BE)
Patricia L. Opresko
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Björn Schumacher
(University of Cologne, DE)
”Genome Stability in Aging and Disease: New Insights from C. elegans”
Sofie Lautrup
(University of Oslo, NO)
Martijn Luijsterburg
(Leiden University Medical Center, NL)
Coordination of DNA repair (Magnar Bjørås, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO)
Amy Whitaker
(Fox Chase Cancer Center, USA)
Primo Schär
(University of Basel, CH)
Sheila S. David
(University of California, Davis, USA)
Anna Campalans
(François Jacob Institute of biology, FR)
Crosstalk between endogenous DNA damage and RNA regulation (Hilde L. Nilsen, Oslo University Hospital, NO)
Karlene Cimprich
(Stanford University School of Medicine, USA)
”The Causes and Consequences of Replication Stress”
Gianluca Tell
(University of Udine, IT)
”Emerging roles of bases modifications and DNA repair proteins in onco-miR processing: novel insights in cancer biology”
Arne Klungland
(Oslo University Hospital, NO)
Nima Mosammaparast
(Washington University, USA)
”RNA Damage: The canary in the coal mine?”
At the intersection of DNA repair pathways (Orlando D. Schärer, Univerity of Pittsburgh, Hillman Cancer Center, USA)
Puck Knipscheer
(Hubrecht Institute, NL)
Ben van Houten
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
”Watching base excision repair one molecule at a time: seeing is believing”
Bruce Demple
(Stony Brook University, USA)
Agnel Sfeir
(Sloan Kettering Institute, USA)
Clinical potential of endogenous DNA damage targeting (Robert W. Sobol, Brown University, USA)
Marit Otterlei
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO)
Daniel Durocher
(University of Toronto, CA)
”Synthetic lethality as a tool to uncover sources of endogenous DNA damage”
Mark Kelley
(Indiana University School of Medicine, USA)
Mike Yaffe
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Enabling technologies (Bevin P. Engelward, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Alberto Ciccia
(Columbia University, USA)
”CRISPR-based approaches to study the DNA damage response”
Shana Sturla
”How Damage and Repair Shape Genome-wide Landscapes of Mutations in Cancer”
Cathrine Broberg Vågbø
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO)
Zac Nagel
(Harvard T.H: Chen School of Public Health, USA)